Morocco’s Blue Pearl: Chefchaouen

Morocco’s Blue Pearl: Chefchaouen

One of Morocco’s hidden gems in the north region of the Rif, is the all-blue town of Chefchaouen, also known as Morocco’s Blue City or the Blue Pearl of Morocco! The blue color is said to symbolize the sky and heaven, and a true indulgence into calm & spirituality, away from most populated cities such as Marrakech and Fez. Founded in 1471, Chefchaouen is known to also be a tourist hub for many years, the city’s blue walls and alleyways reflect the beauty of the ocean color in the north region of Morocco, and are designed to incite calm and relaxation at all times.

chefchaouen blue city chefchaouen blue city

A beautiful palette of mesmerizing blue hues, Chefchaouen's medina, the city’s ancient old quarter, and its souks offer a truly mesmerizing shopping experience.  Chefchaouen is known for its traditional hand-made goods from ancient designed silver jewelry to silk caftans & hand woven baskets, to hand painted blue ceramic bowls and colourful Moroccan rugs, diligently hand woven by local talented women of the Rif region. 

Unlike other rather large and crowded old quarters of the kingdom, Chefchaouen’s medina is dotted with quaint little bazaars carrying ancient brass mirrors, hand carved copper lanterns and beautifully sewn Agave silk pillows in all colors from pink to yellow. A true testament to the artisanry of its talented craftsmen and women.

chefchaouen chefchaouen chefchaouen


The air in Chefchaouen is Magical and mystical, almost ephemeral, carrying the scents of spices from the neighboring food & spice markets, to the smells of rich Oriental scents like Santal musk, Oud Wood and the lightness of Orange blossom and Rose mist . The scents are uplifting, and often carry you through the enchanted terraces overlooking the blue ceramic and zelige fountains throughout the city.

One cannot visit the blue pearl without paying homage to its natural treasures surrounding the city, a little escape from the downtown and medina will take you to outside of Chefchaouen for some of the best hikes around the Rif mountains, or a visit to some of the beautiful waterfalls outside of the city like Akchour River or God’s Bridge waterfall. An ongoing theme of its blue hues depicted throughout the Azur blue of its natural waters and the blue cobalt of its wide sunny skies.

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